Helen’s Notes ~ Dialogues with Jesus:
For those not familiar with A Course In Miracles, in 1965 two NY Columbia University research psychologists, Dr’s Bill Thetford and Helen Schucman, tired of the dysfunction which permeated their personal and professional relationships, agreed there must be “a better way.”
Approximately four months later, an “inner Voice” heard by and identified by Helen as the voice of Jesus, said, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.” Helen, shaken by this event, asked Bill for advice. To his credit, Bill counselled her to do just that, suggesting they both review and discuss the material given together.
The notes began with the promise, “You will see miracles through your hands through Me.”
As Helen received dictation, she wrote it down… some in longhand and some in her own personalized version of shorthand. Helen would read Bill her notes, often being given further dictation as she read to Bill. Bill would type out the notes including the extra verbal dictation given.
This dictation given through Helen by Jesus and including Helen’s responses and reactions to his thought, were included in Bill’s original typed text which has come to be known as the Urtext.
Throughout the period of time it took for Jesus to complete his discourse and instructions which later became the published version of A Course In Miracles, the communication between Jesus and Helen contained not only direction for the generalized Course but also clarification and very personal information, guidance and instruction.
The nature of this personal communication and direction is seen in these notes.
Jesus offers Helen constant reassurance as he gently addresses and corrects her own personal perceptual disorders, fears and guilt while also addressing those of Helen’s associates and those of man and mankind in general.
The Borderland Foundation is grateful to have received the guidance to make these notes available in printed form. This copy of “Helen’s Notes ~ Dialogues with Jesus” contains the first eight chapters of the unabridged notes scribed by Helen Schucman as she began receiving guidance, information and dialoguing with the author of A Course In Miracles.
We believe these notes will stand alone in their significance for those they are intended to be helpful for and will also serve as a mighty companion to any edition of A Course In Miracles.
The notes show us, the loving and corrective nature of Jesus in his relationship with Helen Schucman, the scribe of A Course In Miracles and Bill Thetford, who helped Helen make A Course In Miracles available to the world. They demonstrate not only that a very real and personal relationship with both Jesus and the Holy Spirit, is available to us but that no matter what state of mind we seem to be in, upon our invitation, HE and his love for us is always at hand.
Helen's Notes can be ordered through Amazon
If you have any questions or would like to order bulk orders of Helens Notes and receive an author price, contact: britney@miraclesofmind.ca

Helens Notes: Dialogues with Jesus
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Enjoy the Notes (conversations between Helen and Jesus) as found within the first 8 chapters of A Course in Miracles