The Borderland Foundation

Donate / Give a Sparkly

  • We are *almost* out of books and need your help.
  • If Sparkly has helped you, consider contributing to our next print run.
  • 100% of all donations will be put towards the next print run of Sparkly Books. 
  • We are able to give Sparkly ACIM books freely away because of generous donators like you.
  • Thank you for donating/giving whatever you can!

All donations over US$75 are tax deductible and will be receipted.

“All proceeds from the distribution and sales of this book will be used
to support the VISION of The Borderland Foundation to foster a
self-sufficient, self-sustaining vehicle that allows the Sparkly edition of
A Course In Miracles to be made available for all those it is intended for
regardless of financial, social or geographic circumstances.”
– From former President of the Borderland Foundation
as found inside the front cover of Sparkly ACIM.

One-Time Donations:

The Borderland Foundation that distributes Sparkly is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization which operates solely on donations.

Currently all donations fund the publication, printing and freight costs involved in making the publications on this website available. They also help to cover any running costs involved in The Borderland, INC.

Your contributions are a huge support and from all of those who have benefitted indirectly through the generosity of donors who were guided to give, we give thanks.

Because of yours and their donation, we can continue to freely offer and extend the important message these publications contain throughout the world.

For ONE TIME or RECURRING DONATIONS via PayPal, please click the button below:

Write a Check:

If you’d like to donate via check, please post your check made out to The Borderland, INC.

Please be sure to write “Donation” in the memo of the check and include a note with a name and email address where The Borderland Foundation can email a receipt for any donation over US$75 which is tax deductible.

You can mail your check to:

The Borderland, INC
 2780 Hamlet Ave N
Oakdale, MN

If you are having difficulties with any of our existing payment methods, please contact us at


Should you feel called to donate your time in some capacity in service to The Borderland Foundation and making the message contained within these publications available, please contact Britney Shawley at or Tom Glod